Statement on US/Canada Tariffs
Hello again, our dear American friends! Updated: 03/04/2025 While your administration has now applied tariffs to purchases on Canadian goods, the "de minimus" tax exemption is still active. This means...
Character and Kit Masterlist - Western Media
A master list of all our cosplay costumes and kits for western media.
Kingdom Hearts Upcoming Cosplay Kits
The following Kingdom Hearts kits and files will slowly be added to the shop over the next few days, in addition to our existing catalogue. Email us if you can't wait and we'll...
Sustainability and Cosplay: 3D Printed Kits and Shipping
When we fill an order for a 3D Printed cosplay prop, there's always supports that we remove in house before we ship it off to you. What do we do...
January 8th Newsleter Roundup: Katsucon Final Call!
Wow, it's our first newsletter of 2024! Thanks for closing out 2023 with us; we’re so fortunate to be a part of a community as vibrant and creative as the...
Dec 11th 2023: Newsletter Roundup
It's December already! We skipped a week of newsletter due to the Kupocon crunch and want to start by thanking everyone who came by our booth to say hello and...
Shadowheart Accessories and Armor Preorder
We've started to take preorders for Shadowheart's accessories and armour. Now you too can be God's Favourite Princess! Files should be ready in November and physical kits will begin shipping...
Kupocon: Pom East – Toronto 2023
Dangerous Ladies will be attending Kupocon Toronto this year - our first return to conventions! Join us on December 2nd, 2023 to shop, see our 3D printed cosplay props in...
Halloween Order Deadlines - Our Spookiest Cosplay Props and Costume Accessories
Stumped on what to wear for Halloween? Here's a showcase of some of our spookier items and when to order in time for the big night!
August - September Convention Order Deadlines for Cosplay Kits
If you're looking to order your cosplay kit in time for a certain convention, use this table to figure out the order deadline. These dates are loose guidelines so if...