We've started to take preorders for Shadowheart's accessories and armour. Now you too can be God's Favourite Princess! Files should be ready in November and physical kits will begin shipping in December.
Shadowheart Baldur's Gate 3 Cosplay

We're designing Shadowheart's kit to be as modular as possible, doing her accessories, default armour and Dark Justiciar armour separately so they can be mixed and matched as desired.
If you're less of a cleric and more of a rogue, check out our Astarion Cosplay accessories!
- Shadowheart's Hair Accessories and Circlet - Already Available!
- Shadowheart's Shoulder Pauldrons
- Shadowheart's Breastplate and Backplate
- Shadowheart's Dark Justiciar Armour
- Shadowheart's Camp Brooch - Already Available!
Selune's Spear of Night - Already Available!
Physical Kits
- Shadowheart's Hair Accessories and Circlet
- Shadowheart's Shoulder Pauldrons - Flexible Resin, Cold Cast Silver
- Shadowheart's Breastplate and Backplate - Flexible and cold cast silver. We need 4 preorders for this in order to move into production!
- Shadowheart's Camp Brooch - Flexible Resin, Cold Cast Silver
- Selune's Spear of Night - Already Available!
If you have questions about any of the offerings here, feel free to contact us!